04 Oct
Champions League Group Stage: Cloé Lacasse, Christy Ucheibe (SL Benfica) and Alexander Straus,  Cecilía Rán Rúnarsdóttir (FC Bayern Munchen)

🇬🇧 KSirius will have 4 Stars in the group stage of UEFA Women Champions League and they will face each other. Good luck for all!

🇵🇹 A KSirius terá 4 Estrelas na fase de grupos da UEFA Women Champions League e vão defrontar-se entre si. Boa sorte para todas!

SL Benfica: Cloé Lacasse and/e  Christy Ucheibe
FC Bayern Munique: Alexander Straus and/e Cecilía Rán Rúnarsdóttir